Below are commonly used forms and information related to the School of Education student experience.
Leave of Absence/Withdrawal
A student who needs or desires to take a Withdrawal (WDPR) or take a Leave of Absence (LOA) from the University of Redlands must schedule an appointment with their academic advisor.
Leave of Absence (LOA)
A leave of absence allows students to step out of their academic program for up to one-year. A leave of absence is considered official once the student submits a LOA Request Form. LOA effective date will be the day after the last course attended.
Students who do not return from a leave of absence within one year are withdrawn from the University. To return, they must be formally readmitted and must comply with the current University Catalog requirements.
Return from Leave of Absence (LOA)
Students returning from a leave of absence of one year or less are not required to be formally readmitted. Students will be expected to fulfill the graduation requirements in effect at the date of their original matriculation. Return from Leave of Absence
To return from a Leave of Absence and reactivate your student status, please email with your request. Clear all holds with the Registrar’s Office.
Registration can begin once all holds are cleared and student status is changed to active. The Student Planning link is available on MyRedlands. Students may use their Redlands credentials to login to Student Planning Systems.
Should you need your U of R password reset, please contact
Program Withdrawal
A student who needs or desires to take a Withdrawal (WDPR) from the University of Redlands must schedule an appointment with their Academic Advisor and complete an exit interview. A WDPR is considered official once the student gives notification of their intent and the Request Form has been submitted by the student. The Request Form will state the intentions of the student to discontinue the course(s) in which he/she is registered and the effective date the WDPR will be implemented, which is then recorded by the Registrar’s Office.
Leave of Absence/Program Withdrawal Request
Students seeking readmission to the University after an absence of more than one year must meet the admission and program requirements at the time of readmission. Students must apply for readmission and be approved by the Departmental Admissions Committee.Application and deadlines for readmission Readmitted students will be charged the tuition rate currently in effect. A student’s account must be current at the time of readmission.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit acceptability is determined after admission by School of Education faculty. Program requirements may be waived only when the course content equates to a University of Redlands course and when obsolescence is not a factor; advisor approval is required.
College of Arts and Sciences students who enroll in the Master of Arts in Education: Learning and Teaching (MALT) program may transfer a maximum of 18 credits of coursework spanning the EDUG 401–411 sequence. Only courses with a grade of 2.0 or higher will transfer and the student’s cumulative GPA must meet the minimum requirement of 2.75 at the time of application to the MALT program.
School of Education graduate students may transfer a maximum of 6 credits, grade 3.0 or higher required, from regionally-accredited institutions to waive program requirements.
Students can satisfy up to 6 elective credits with master’s or higher-level coursework in their area of study from advanced graduate work at the University of Redlands or transferred from another accredited institution. Coursework must have been completed within 6 years before the time of matriculation in the program, grade 3.0 or higher required.
Processing your transfer credit
Discuss your request for transfer credit with your advisor. Complete a Modification of Program Requirements form.
Change of Program, Emphasis or Location
1. Schedule an appointment with your advisor to review course requirements for new program/emphasis and impact to schedule, location, program length, financial aid, etc.
2. Complete a Program Change Request form.
ARB Petitions: late add/drop, course obsolescence, etc.
Academic Review Board Petitions
Students who wish to submit a formal petition must schedule an appointment with the designated advisor to discuss.
Late Add/Drop:
Students who wish to drop or add a course after the add/drop deadline, must do so via formal petition.
Credit Obsolescence and Degree Completion
Please refer to the Universtiy Catalog for the course obsolescence policy.
Petition for Waiver of Course Obsolescence
Request Your Diploma/Degree Sign-off
Most School of Education students will have their program automatically noted as complete by the Registrar's office soon after all grades have been posted and requirements have been met.
There are a few exceptions. Students in the following programs must complete a Degree Sign off request:
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- School Counseling
Ed.D. students complete a Ed.D. Degree Clearance Form.
After your degree has posted, you may be asked to complete an exit interview with a loan specialist or participate in a financial literacy module. It is important to check your Redlands’ email for more information. Failure to complete this requirement will result in a student hold.
Official transcripts are available at Your diploma will be mailed to your preferred mailing address on file approximately 3 weeks after conferral. To update your address, contact the Registrar's office at 909-748-8019.
Special Status Student
Special Status Student (not admitted to a program or eligible for financial aid)
Students who wish to take single courses should contact the Student Success Center to schedule an appointment with an advisor. If you are a former University of Redlands student, confirm that your student account is clear of any holds.
Review request/discuss course schedule with advisor. See current tuition rates for more information.